Shift From Chasing Money to Attracting Wealth Through Work You Love

(While Making the World a Better Place)

Join The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator (nMBA), a step-by-step masterclass on how to achieve wealth and freedom without sacrificing your health, joy, relationships and purpose in life.


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What's Included:

  • 7-Module Online Program
  • 3+ Hours of Video Lessons
  • Self-Paced Curriculum
  • Downloadable Guides & Exercises
  • Journaling Prompts
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Risk-Free Guarantee
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“Gordy Bal is one of those unique humans who can get to the core of who you are in just minutes through humour, honest questions, and deep insights.”

Dr. Gabor Maté
Best-selling author of When the Body Says No and In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts

Dear friend,

I had all the money I knew what to do with and I was still unhappy.

I barely spent any time with my wife and kids. I dreaded waking up in the mornings.
I hated going to work.

There was this empty feeling inside of me that never went away and it didn’t matter how much money was in my bank account.

I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown so I knew something had to change.

I’ve led thousands of people through transformational journeys, helped early-stage startups grow into multi-billion dollar unicorns, spoken on stage to rooms of multi-millionaires, written a best-selling book called The New Millionaire’s Playbook, and built multiple successful businesses from the ground up.

If you’re an entrepreneur whos made your first million but you feel something just doesn’t feel right, I’ll help you…

  • 1
    Break free from the “Old Millionaire game” of trading your life and soul away for money.
  • 2
    Achieve MUCH greater wealth and freedom as “New Millionaires” who only do work that aligns with their purpose in life and make a meaningful impact on the world.

The reason you feel that way is because you’re playing a “rigged game.”

This game is based on scarcity, competition, and fear. Someone has to lose in order for someone to win.

The “New Millionaire game” is based on abundance, cooperation, and freedom.

The work you do is in-line with your true purpose in life which attracts the people, resources, and money into your life. This helps you achieve your goal while also making the world a better place.

I know this because…

For decades, I had all the money in the world (and still couldn’t drag myself out of bed in the mornings).

Despite owning multiple businesses generating record six-figures for me every single day…

Despite having my entire family and I set for life…

I felt broken and miserable on the inside.

Little did I know, that’s what happens when you “win” at the Old Millionaire game of chasing money at the expense of everything else — including your health, soul, relationships, freedoms and joy for life:

You get richer in the material by going bankrupt in the spiritual.

Fortunately though, my cognitive dissonance led me to start questioning and challenging “my ideas” of success.

And in doing so, I eventually discovered a small group of successful entrepreneurs who helped me crack the code on how to win wealth and freedom the “New Millionaire way.”

What I learned is that…

Despite owning multiple businesses generating record six-figures for me every single day…

Despite having my entire family and I set for life…

I felt broken and miserable on the inside.

Little did I know, that’s what happens when you “win” at the Old Millionaire game of chasing money at the expense of everything else — including your health, soul, relationships, freedoms and joy for life:

You get richer in the material by going bankrupt in the spiritual.

Fortunately though, my cognitive dissonance led me to start questioning and challenging “my ideas” of success.

And in doing so, I eventually discovered a small group of successful entrepreneurs who helped me crack the code on how to win wealth and freedom the “New Millionaire way.”

What I learned is that…

New Millionaires don’t chase money doing work they hate. They get money chasing them doing work they love (which also happens to make the world a much better place).

I spent years learning everything I could from this group of world-class entrepreneurs, biohackers, scientists and spiritual wisdom keepers who had achieved New Millionaire status.

I discovered two things:

  • 1
    HOW you make your money is a key piece in how much money you attract into your life.
  • 2
    You get to live a longer, happier, healthier life where you’re always present in your relationships with the ones you love… instead of showing up as a zombie (if at all) because you’re constantly burning out from doing work you hate.

This discovery is what got me to shift the focus for (from Click-Through Rate to Conscious Thought Revolution)… and start ONLY building and investing in businesses that align with my soul and vision for a better world tomorrow.

The best part?

I can help YOU do the exact same thing with YOUR life now.


The nMBA: The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator

The nMBA:
The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator

A 7-module online program that helps you win more wealth and freedom doing work that aligns with your true self and makes the world a much, much better place.

The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator (mMBA) is a step-by-step path that anyone can follow to start building the life of their dreams WITHOUT sacrificing your health, soul, relationships, joy and purpose for life.

I’ll admit… we were trying to be cheeky with the name nMBA.

Because let’s face it:

The old MBA will NOT help you win in today’s rapidly shifting world.

What we need is a NEW MBA.

One that gives you a modern, step-by-step system for winning at ALL areas of life (not just business and finance) by leveraging YOUR unique strengths, talents and passions.

All you have to do is follow the videos and exercises found inside each module of the nMBA…

And you’ll be rocking more wealth and freedom than ever by being fully connected to your true purpose in life.

Here’s everything you’ll learn once you’re inside:

influencers-shefali-v1 (1)
“Gordy Bal is a revolutionary thinker who doesn’t tell you what to think, but how to think. His message of raising human consciousness is deeply important for this time.”
Dr. Shefali
New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family
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“Gordy Bal walks the walk and invites others on the path with him. This stuff is life-changing.”

Dave Asprey
Founder of Upgrade Labs and
4x New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Program Built For Entrepreneurs,
By Entrepreneurs

You should ONLY join the New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator if you’re an entrepreneur:

  • Achieving financial success the Old Millionaire way (i.e., doing work you hate at the expense of your health, relationships, joy and purpose in life)... and want to start winning across ALL areas of life (not just money) as a New Millionaire.
  • Looking to build wealth intentionally with multiple automated revenue streams that align with your true purpose in life and makes a meaningful impact on the world.
  • Willing to break out of outdated paradigms of success to try out new ideas that will open up new opportunities that provide massive profits to you, your family and the whole wide world.

Here’s what your life could look like after taking the New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator:

The nMBA is the education I wish existed when I was growing up.

I created this program so YOU and others don’t have to waste decades suffering the way I did as an Old Millionaire.

I want you to have every single strategy, secret and system I’ve learned from my time researching New Millionaires… so YOU can unleash your TRUE potential and purpose MUCH faster. 

No sugar coating. No fluff. No filler.

Just highly-actionable ideas you can learn in under 3 hours and start implementing right away for huge results.

Because by the end of it, you could be:

  • Sitting at the kitchen table every night being present and appreciating the moment with your kids and partner without thinking about what you should be doing in your business.
  • Waking up passionate about your day, smiling and spreading that contagious energy to your family and community.
  • Ending the cycle of worry because multiple automated revenue streams have been created. You know you’re good.
  • Actually enjoying working out, meditating, eating nutritious foods, and being in full balance every day.
  • Loving your work and achieving success to increase income, happiness, and speed of success.
  • And best of all, all of this, while showing your family how to leave their legacy while you leave your own for generations to come.

All you have to do is get started.

If you’re ready, I’d love to help out.

You Don’t Have Time

Large corporations are taking all the cash, while you work harder for less return on your effort.

Ten years from now…

The landscape will look nothing like it does at the moment you’re reading this message.

The rich will get MUCH richer. And the poor will get MUCH poorer.

As Wall Street and private players continue gobbling up all the real estate and land on Earth, the idea that wealth is defined by what you own and what you control will be more true than ever before.

The way I see it, you’ve got two options:

Take the Blue Pill

Continue playing “their game” as an Old Millionaire who only makes money doing work they hate while sacrificing their health, relationships and joy in life…

Take the Red Pill

Start playing your OWN game as a New Millionaire who wins across ALL areas of life by doing work they love and making the world a much better place.

If you choose #2…

What are you waiting for then?

Join a Growing Community of New Millionaire’s Hellbent on Supporting Each Other

Your journey will not be one you have to take alone. Band with the brothers and sisters of the New Millionaire movement. Click the button below and join the New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator now.

  • 7-Module Online Program
  • 3+ Hours of Video Lessons
  • Self-Paced Curriculum
  • Downloadable Guides & Exercises
  • Journaling Prompts
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Risk-Free Guarantee






With our money-back guarantee, it’s 100% risk-free to give the New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator a try. 

For 7 full days, you get to go through the lessons and exercises so you can decide whether or not it’s right for you.

If after that, you still don’t think it’s worth your time, just email us and we’ll happily refund you all your money back right away.


The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator is a 7-module online program with 3+ hours of video lessons designed to help entrepreneurs and investors achieve wealth and freedom doing work they love and are proud of.

Unlike traditional MBA programs, the nMBA goes beyond analyzing business strategies and shows you how to achieve success by: 

  • Discovering your true purpose,
  • Doing work that aligns with your soul
  • Developing multiple automated revenue streams
  • Living the life you truly want today (instead of “someday”)

The moment you join, you’ll get instant access to:

  • A 7-Module Online Program:

    • Introduction
    • Module 1: Unplugging From The Matrix
    • Module 2: Discovering Your Purpose
    • Module 3: Measuring Your Well-Being
    • Module 4: Finding Your Mission to MARS
    • Module 5: Building Resilience, Resources, and Relationships
    • Module 6: Becoming a Wealthy Spiritual Warrior
    • Module 7: Using Magic To Unlock Unlimited Possibilities
    • Conclusion

  • 3+ Hours of Video Lessons
  • Self-Paced Curriculum
  • Downloadable Guides & Exercises
  • Journaling Prompts
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Risk-Free Guarantee

The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator is a completely self-paced online program with 7 modules.

Each module contains pre-recorded video lessons and exercises designed to help you achieve success across all areas of your life while cultivating a harmonious balance of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Each module takes about 30 minutes to complete.

You’re free to go through all the lessons as quickly as you’d like or take your time learning everything gradually.

Ultimately, it boils down to how quickly you want to start building and living the life you desire.

The more time you put into learning and implementing the lessons found inside the program, the faster you’ll see results.

The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator comes with 3+ hours of video lessons.

The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator is for the entrepreneur who’s already achieved financial success, but still finds themselves yearning for more meaning, purpose and joy in their life.

It’s for anyone tired of playing the Old Millionaire’s game of owning a big bank balance at the cost of a bankrupt soul… and would like to start upgrading their finances, relationships and understanding of the world as a New Millionaire.

More importantly, this program is for anyone who is forward-thinking and willing to keep an open mind and try out new ideas that will give them more freedom, sovereignty and abundance than ever before.

Nope! All you need is an open mind and a willingness to try out new ideas.

There are no tests, grades or certifications inside the New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator.

Either a one-time fee of $997 or two payments of $499.

If you’re not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can email us within 7 days of your purchase to request your money back.

The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator is a 7-module online program with 3+ hours of video lessons designed to help entrepreneurs and investors achieve wealth and freedom doing work they love and are proud of.

Unlike traditional MBA programs, the nMBA goes beyond analyzing business strategies and shows you how to achieve success by: 

  • Discovering your true purpose,
  • Doing work that aligns with your soul
  • Developing multiple automated revenue streams
  • Living the life you truly want today (instead of “someday”)

The moment you join, you’ll get instant access to:

  • A 7-Module Online Program:

    • Introduction
    • Module 1: Unplugging From The Matrix
    • Module 2: Discovering Your Purpose
    • Module 3: Measuring Your Well-Being
    • Module 4: Finding Your Mission to MARS
    • Module 5: Building Resilience, Resources, and Relationships
    • Module 6: Becoming a Wealthy Spiritual Warrior
    • Module 7: Using Magic To Unlock Unlimited Possibilities
    • Conclusion

  • 3+ Hours of Video Lessons
  • Self-Paced Curriculum
  • Downloadable Guides & Exercises
  • Journaling Prompts
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Risk-Free Guarantee

The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator is a completely self-paced online program with 7 modules.

Each module contains pre-recorded video lessons and exercises designed to help you achieve success across all areas of your life while cultivating a harmonious balance of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Each module takes about 30 minutes to complete.

You’re free to go through all the lessons as quickly as you’d like or take your time learning everything gradually.

Ultimately, it boils down to how quickly you want to start building and living the life you desire.

The more time you put into learning and implementing the lessons found inside the program, the faster you’ll see results.

The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator comes with 3+ hours of video lessons.

The New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator is for the entrepreneur who’s already achieved financial success, but still finds themselves yearning for more meaning, purpose and joy in their life.

It’s for anyone tired of playing the Old Millionaire’s game of owning a big bank balance at the cost of a bankrupt soul… and would like to start upgrading their finances, relationships and understanding of the world as a New Millionaire.

More importantly, this program is for anyone who is forward-thinking and willing to keep an open mind and try out new ideas that will give them more freedom, sovereignty and abundance than ever before.

Nope! All you need is an open mind and a willingness to try out new ideas.

Either a one-time fee of $997 or two payments of $547.

If you’re not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can email us within 7 days of your purchase to request your money back.

Ready to win as a New Millionaire?

Click the button below to join the New Millionaire’s Breakthrough Accelerator right now to start unleashing your true power and achieving extraordinary success right away.